
How can I help YOU?

I can help you with a wide range of conditions

and personal development.

Shifting your mindset for a happy and healthy life

If you have been struggling with excessive worries, prolonged low mood, a lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed, or conditions such as depression, insomnia, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, or IBS; if you find yourself repeatedly checking things (OCD), need a confidence boost, want to overcome fears or even paralysing phobias, manage your weight or chronic pain, or improve your performance in the workplace, sports, or performing arts - I can help you.

In our sessions, I explain to my clients that we have two minds, a primitive mind and an intellectual mind. If we use one and not the other, self-sabotage can kick in, as these two minds are not designed to work in isolation from each other for too long.

Under excessive pressure, we all tend to respond in one of three ways: with anxiety, anger, or depression, or a combination of all three. These states are ancient animal responses that evolved to help us survive, but when our primitive mind takes over, this ‘fight or flight’ response, can override our ability to think sensibly. If our primitive mind thinks that for one reason or another our life is under threat, it will step in to keep us alive, whilst simultaneously, shutting down any input from our intellectual brain, just as would happen if we were cavemen/women faced with the sudden appearance of a fierce and massive polar bear. These days, you might not be facing a polar bear but you might experience a similar stress response when you are facing redundancy, a bank statement, or have just had an argument.

So now we can get an idea of how, if our primitive survival responses remain activated for a prolonged period of time, we can end up developing chronic anger problems, long lasting depression, or one of a whole range of disabling anxiety disorders. When we constantly live our lives in survival mode, locked to one of those three negative states with high levels of stress hormones running through our bloodstream on a regular basis, among other things our immune system can become suppressed. Also, because our body and mind are intimately interconnected, we can suffer from a wide range of physical symptoms; from pain and gastrointestinal disorders like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) to skin problems and sexual difficulties. Trance state can really help us in these situations by acting as a brain-reset that gets us out of the ‘fight or flight mode’, thus helping us rebalance our autonomic nervous system.

With the powerful combination of psychotherapy and hypnosis, as the sessions progress, I work with my clients to help them regain intellectual control so that they can operate from a space of emotional intelligence, rather than just being ruled by their primitive mind and sometimes living in a constant state of panic. As their primitive and intellectual mind start working together, my clients describe feeling more balanced, positive, and more themselves, with an increased sense of confidence and self-esteem gained in the process

(Click here to check my testimonials!).

If you also want to experience the benefits that working with me can bring into your life, please get in touch.

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Changing habits

Changing Habits

Our work together will help you recognize behaviours or habits that may be holding you back or affecting your happiness. Using a range of psychotherapeutic techniques, we will address these patterns and support you in achieving your goals.

Far from being hardwired as scientists once thought, our brain is constantly being rewired. Neuroplasticity means that the brain can grow and change throughout life. Old non-beneficial neural pathways can be diminished and new healthier pathways can replace them.

If you have been struggling to stop smoking, drinking or overeating, we can work together by challenging the negative beliefs which may be holding you back. You will be able to let go of those beliefs which no longer serve you and instead visualise a better future for yourself. A future in which you will be able to make some positive, long-lasting changes that will help bring you more of what you want from life.

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